If you use Jenkins as Continue Integration tool then you may find useful to see a way to check statuses of its jobs from command line. Assuming that http://our-jenkins is an address of our server, see bash script:

	wget http://your-jenkins/jenkins/job/$1/lastBuild/buildStatus &>temp
	if   [[ -n `cat temp | grep fol | grep blue`   ]]; then echo $2': blue'
	elif [[ -n `cat temp | grep fol | grep red`    ]]; then echo $2': red'
	elif [[ -n `cat temp | grep fol | grep yellow` ]]; then echo $2': yellow'
  check_status FULL_JOB1_NAME Job1
  check_status FULL_JOB1_NAME Job2
  check_status FULL_JOB1_NAME Job3
  rm buildStatus* smokes &>/dev/null

Here FULL_JOB#_NAME is the name of job in Jenkins, Job# is friendly name to display. After execution script will provide results in the following way:

Job1: blue
Job2: blue
Job3: red